
PO Box 567
Lilydale, Vic 3140
Phone (03) 9735 3831

Lavandula dentata 'Monet'


Plant Type Med shrub
Flower Colour Purple
Leaf Shape Grey/green
Leaf Colour Dentate
Sun/Shade Full sun
Climate Min Temperate
Climate Max Semi arid
Drought Dry periods
Coastal Second level
Frost Light
Native Exotic
Flower Months All Year



Lavenders are one of the world's most popular genera of perennial plants and are grown in almost all Western gardens.  The common names differ from country to country and have some relationship to where the species originates from.  Most of the culivars are of the 'English' or 'Spanish' types.  Another major form are the 'French' type lavenders, Lavandula dentata or which 'Monet' is a New Zealand selection with a deep lavender flower head over most of the year.  It was selected by Gary Winter of Rosella Park Nursery.


'Monet' has greener foliage than the commonly grown form Lavandula dentata candicans with darker flower color.  It grows to approximatly 1m x 1m in ideal conditions.  'Monet' requires full sun, very good drainage and plenty of air movement.  A regular addition of Calcium along with some Osmocote slow release and an annual prune will keep the plant looking good.


'Monet' looks good in a tub on the patio or as a specimen plant in an open position.  It also makes a good hedge provided there is plenty or air movement.  The flowers can be cut and used fresh as a posie or dried in handicrafts.

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