Penstemon heterophyllus is one of the species forms (common name of True Blue) and forms a low growing mat with narrow lanceolate leaves and masses of pure blue tubular flowers. It grows to approximately 25cm tall and 100 cm wide. It originates in California and is only tolerant of light frosts. A medium prune and feed with Osmocote Outdoors Trees & Shrubs after flowering will keep the plant compact and healthy.
Penstemons are a great addition to any garden. True Blue can be used as a border plant for a perennial or herb garden. It also looks good in large tubs on the verandah. It can be interplanted with any of the Diascias or dwarf lavenders for a colorful garden bed.
Penstemon heterophyllus is one of a range of Penstemons collected from around the world by Larkman Nurseries. Collect a range to add color and variety to your garden.