
PO Box 567
Lilydale, Vic 3140
Phone (03) 9735 3831

Kniphofia hirsuta 'Traffic Lights'

Traffic Lights

Plant Type Clumping shrub
Flower Colour Red+lime green
Leaf Shape Strap
Leaf Colour Green
Sun/Shade Part-full sun
Climate Min Temperate
Climate Max Sub trop
Drought No
Coastal No
Frost Hardy
Native Sth Africa
Flower Months Nov-Feb



There are over 60 species of this stunning Sth African perennial.  They are upright tufted plants with colorful and showy flowers in thick spikes at the end of long, elegant stems.  ‘Traffic Lights’ is a stunning little form with flowers that are an unusual blend of red, amber and green.  It is easy to grow and on average reaches 40cm high and 30cm wide.  Like most Kniphofia it is hardy to moderate frosts, likes part to full sun and will grow in a wide range of soils.  It will also tolerate some level of dryness.  Flowers occur during late spring and summer.  Regular applications of Seasol and PowerFeed will keep it growing well and regularly remove any dead foliage and flower heads.


Kniphofia ‘Traffic Lights’ makes a stunning border to large gardens, as a mass planting in a low garden or as an edge to garden pathways.  Due to its clumping form ‘Traffic Lights’ makes an excellent border to a grass garden.  Plant with Libertia formosa and Agapanthus ‘Peter Pan’ for a stunning display or in front of Salvia ‘Lime Calyx’ and with  Geranium ‘Rozanne’[PBR] for contrast of shape, texture and color.


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