Rosemaries are an hardy plant that will grow in almost any Australian garden. They produce masses of blooms which range from deep blue through clear pink to dusky white. ‘Tuscan Blue’ is an upright shrub with deep glossy green leaves and deep blue flowers. It has the typical aromatic foliage of the genus which makes a great addition to the kitchen. It is a tall shrub growing 1.5 to 2m tall and 0.8 to 1 m wide.
‘Tuscan Blue’ makes a great hedge or specimen plant and is good for topiary work. An annual prune and feed with Osmocote Slow Release will keep it looking its best. Like most Rosemaries, ‘Tuscan Blue’ likes full sun, good drainage and plenty of air movement. If it is given these conditions the plants are extremely hardy and are tolerant of most frosts and extended dry periods. It grows very well alongside mass plantings of Lavender, Penstemon and Salvia. Also makes an excellent medium sized hedge – Good for mazes!