
PO Box 567
Lilydale, Vic 3140
Phone (03) 9735 3831

Hebe 'Purple Haze'

Purple Hebe

Plant Type Med shrub
Flower Colour Purplish blue
Leaf Shape Lanceolate - medium
Leaf Colour Green
Sun/Shade Full sun
Climate Min Temperate
Climate Max Temperate
Drought Dry periods
Coastal Second level
Frost Moderate
Native Exotic
Flower Months May-Sep


The fifth Hebe inb the Classic Garden Beauty Collection, Purple Haze with attractive bronze flower buds opening to a haze of purplish blue flowers will add much needed colour to your garden from winter into early spring. Hebes are comnpact evergreehn shrubs, popular because of their abundance of flowers.

They are easy to grow as they are tolerant of wind, frost, coastal exposures, full sun and partial shade and not fussy about soil type. Give an overall prune immediately after flowering is completed, along with a good application of complete fert. Grows to approx 1 m x 1m.

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