Euonymous fortuneii ‘Pierrolino’ has deep green older foliage and pure white new tips. As the foliage ages the pure white turns to speckles of green then green with motled white and finally deep green. It is a compact shrub with insignificant flowers that likes a sunny position with good drainage. It will tolerate moderate frosts and responds well to a light prune and feed with Osmocote Slow Release in early autumn.
Pierrolino is a selected form of Euonymous ‘Harlequin’. It first ocurred at Van Hesbeen nursery in Holland and quickly becam a very popular plant thoughout Europe. Plant as a low hedge or border plant along the driveway. Alternatively it makes a nice specimen plant in a tub or small patio garden or planted in the middle of a cottage garden with an assortment of Salvia, Penstemon Lavender.